Search for location

  1. Enter the name of the geographical location you are seeking in the ‘Keyword’ field:
    this may be the name of a river, mountain etc.
  2. You may select the country where the location should be situated. Batavia occurs in both Indonesia and Suriname, for example.
  3. Click on [Search].
  4. Select the location you are searching for from the list shown. A name may occur several times in one country.
    You may click on “Show location” to see it on a small map. Click on the x mark to close the window.
  5. When you click on the desired location, all maps will be searched for that location.
    You will be shown a screen containing small maps sorted by scale.

    At the top of this screen you will find all variant names of that location and there may be more information on that location.
    Beneath it there is a possibility to refine or sort your search.

    By clicking on “New search” you can enter a new search.
  6. Click your mouse on a map and it will be displayed in larger format, clicking on the large map or on “Click to close” will close the larger map.
    Click on “View the map” to open it in the viewer.
    The viewer will immediately zoom in on the desired location, which will be indicated by flashing markings.
    The markings will not always be around the precise location, but they will be in the vicinity.

    Clicking on “Description” will open the catalogue record of that map.

    Clicking on “Ordering info” opens a new window with the cost of ordering a download or print (not including the postal- and starting costs).
The name on the map may be slightly different from what you entered. For example: you may have entered Jakarta, but it will appear on most maps as Batavia.
It may be that the location itself is not shown on the map, but the spot where it should be located will be indicated.
For example, small villages are no longer always shown, though their geographical position is still on many maps.

Catalogue search

This type of search can be used to obtain a quick overview of the documents needed.
  1. Type one or more search terms in the text field (you will search either on title, or on author or on keyword (Keyword only in English)).
  2. Click on [search].
  • The search result will only contain catalogue items of digitized maps.
  • Multiple terms will automatically be combined with AND.
  • The truncation symbol is @ (only right truncation, e.g.: Djokja@ will give as result Djokja and Djokjakarta).
  • Use the "advanced search" for more search options.